Patty Shells (Crabmeat #1)

2 TBS butter
1 TBS onion (chopped)
2 TBS flour
1½ TSP Worcestershire
½ TSP salt
¼ C dry sherry
¾ C milk
1 egg yolk (slightly beaten)
6-8 OZ fresh crabmeat
¼ C buttered bread crumbs
Dash pepper

Temperature: 350

Saute the onion in butter until soft.  Add the flour and seasonings.  Add the milk gradually, stirring constantly until thickened.  Remove from heat and stir in the egg yolk.  Return to the heat and cook for 1 minute, stirring.  Add the wine and crabmeat.  Spoon into patty shells and top with buttered bread crumbs.  Bake for 5-10 minutes.

The patty shells are also known as vol-au-vent, and are used in many common forms of canapé.