A Year In Time.

It’s been a year to the day since Sweets and I finally admitted to each other — and ourselves — that we were head-over-heels in love.  We count this as our official day, even though we had been talking and making goo-goo eyes at one another over a video connection for many months prior.  It’s the day we couldn’t hold back any more, and let drop the guard around our hearts.

It’s very strange — and neither of us can explain it — how two people from two dramatically different backgrounds, cultures, and living half a world away could find one another in a random encounter on the Internet… one that had nothing to do with making a romantic connection.  Not only did we manage to stumble across each other, but as time crept along, we found out that we were very alike and compatible.  Now that Sweets has been here for six or so weeks, we’re discovering that we get along very well in close quarters as well.  We’re both silly, geeky, very odd people with similar senses of humo(u)r.

I do indeed love you my sweet girl, and this last year has just zoomed by.  Now that you’re here, I can only hope time slows down a bit so I can enjoy having you near.

Happy A-day, my little honeybee.

3 thoughts on “A Year In Time.”

  1. I doubt you will go back and see this, but I am just now trying to catch up on my blog reading since the whole not having power for 14 fucking days.

    I know what you mean about time flying. Phreeq and I just celebrated our 9th anniversary this past Thursday. I tell you this, if I had it all to do over again, I would do so in a heartbeat.

    Enjoy each other everyday and all that you can.

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