Changes, shmanges.

There’s been some sawdust in the air at the old DmentiA estate this weekend. I’ve got a few new additions to the site.

First, I’ve added the capacity to selectively enable comments for my blog entries — just check out the upper right hand corner of this message. When I started out, I wasn’t concerned with comments as I was writing for my own entertainment. Time has passed, and more of our extended family have web pages, blogs and comments. I find that I’m writing for a larger audience than I started out with, and I want the capacity to get feedback from you folks on certain things, without the necessity for people to have to send email.

That still leaves another problem. Entire conversations are being held in blog comments and they inevitably get cycled down the page as new blog entries are added, the thread lost or dropped, no more to be said. It makes it hard to have a really good discussion. The happy medium is to link a blog entry to a forum, which is an environment better suited for that sort of thing. That is also an option that I have now.

The second new addition to the family is the Cam Portal that I so recently talked about. The first phase is to get the folks interested in participating to contact me for details. I’ll tell you this much: it involves a camera of some sort and the capacity to store a picture in a web accessible area (i.e. a web page). I think we can have a lot of fun with this.

Categories: Uncategorized

10 thoughts on “Changes, shmanges.”

  1. I really don’t have much to say, except that I think this Cam Portal thing is a great idea. Just no nude pictures please, eeewww.

    I’m going to bed now.


  2. nice additions, sir.

    you have my steel for the cam portal. lemme know how to do it.


  3. Because there’s some folks that just shouldn’t be seen naked. You all know who you are, so I won’t name names.

  4. Darn. I guess I’ll have to hold on to that picture of me, naked, singing atop a windmill.

  5. Cam Portal is a cool idea. I guess I’ll have to get an actual camera, the Barbie camera I have now doesn’t work anymore.

  6. And if you biznatches who have expressed interest (and three of you know who you are) don’t get the old pic pipeline set up, I’m going to start doing nasty(er) things with the pictures I have up as placeholders.

    Don’t fuck with a graphic artist when he has pictures of you. Hmm, Heather, I seem to remember something about scrotal and labial head growths.

    *wrings hands and laughs maniacally*

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