"Deck the halls with blood and corpses…"

October 1st is Friday, and marks the official start and observation of the Halloween season at the wHoReS.  Fiddy has so graciously let me burgle Friday night away from him, and being the selfish bastard that I am I am claiming the entire weekend — but for a good cause.

Everyone is invited to spend the entire weekend at the wHoReS.  Friday’s Halloween commencement starts at… er, well, whenever anyone wants to get there after 6:00pm.  We are inviting you, our friends, to the holiest of holies — the most sacred act of decorating the wHoReS for Halloween.  As Fiddy so succinctly put it "We’re going to Halloween the fuck out of your house."  Thank you, I’ve never heard anyone use Halloween as a verb before.  I’ll have to remember that.

Bring your jammies and sleeping gear, because once the house is in appropriate order the rest of the days are designated as a "Useless Turd Weekend".  Let me define that for anyone not familiar with this concept: being a useless turd means laying about in a dark, cool house watching movies, sleeping and basically re-charging your biological batteries & soul in a stress-free environment.  That is going to go on until we kick people out on Sunday. 

Folks are free to come and go as they please.  There’s plenty of nooks to put people in at the wHoReS, so don’t fear for sleeping space but sleeping bags, air-mattresses and blankets might be a good idea to bring along.  Also, seeing as the wHoReS is gearing up for a killer Halloween party later in the month, we are making this a commune-like BFE (Bring For Everyone) event.  Bring some munchies, drinks, alcohol and solid food to contribute to the communal eatery pile for this weekend.  Bring some cash because we’re likely to order pizza or venture out at some point for Chinese take-out and/or burgers (or other such delicacies).

We will start with the traditional The Nightmare Before Christmas (Jebus bless Tim Burton) and move on to other Halloween-ish movies (good, bad and cheesy movies… and good bad cheesy movies — there is a difference) until that theme gets voted off the island, and then we will resume with other entertaining media.  Bring any movies you think would be entertaining, but don’t be disappointed if they don’t get watched.  I have at least one or two flicks I need to inflict upon you people, so be prepared.

One final note, I pushed a perfectly good blog post off the radar to post this announcement — it’s the one directly below what you are reading here.  Don’t forget to read it before you go gallivanting off to other destinations on the InterWeb.  I hate to think that I wasted perfectly good time ranting and raving for your amusement only to never have it read.

Message ends.

Categories: Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “"Deck the halls with blood and corpses…"”

  1. I vote for:
    Evil Dead 2, but not Army of Darkness
    House of 1000 Corpses
    Blair Witch (good to make fun of)
    Bad Taste
    From Dusk Til Dawn

    Favorite quote in Dusk Til Dawn – "Did they look like psychos? They were vampires. Psychos don’t explode when sunlight hits ’em, I don’t care how crazy they are."

  2. You better watch out,
    You better not laugh,
    You better be crying,
    Cause I am gonna upper deck your Christmas Stockin!

    The Ghost of Halloween Past is with you on your glorious preparations for the most important of holidays… May your blood run dark and your Ridged Calodian not expire…

    Bla Bla Boo

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