This weekend is when I go to procure the great orange victims. Likely Saturday. I need to get a feel for who is inclined to be in attendance the Friday before Halloween (October 29th) for our annual Pumpkin Carving Party.
If you are going to come and are interested in carving a pumpkin to show off at the big Halloween party, please let me know very soon so I can try and have enough for everyone. I have all the weapons of destruction and patterns a pulpy murderer could hope for, but don’t let that stop you from bringing anything you feel you might need to make your life easier. My only stipulation is this: no "cutesy" patterns on the pumpkins. The Pumpkin Masters series of pattern books include at least one feline face pattern and a few goofy "let’s not frighten the children" patterns every year amongst the clever and downright cool looking ones — and I despise them. I also might veto any pattern I remember having been used in recent history. You are also free to bring your own patterns, once again subject to approval. Jebus, I’m such a megalomaniacal whip cracker.
"We fancy men are individuals; so are pumpkins; but every pumpkin in the field goes through every point of pumpkin history"
— Ralph Waldo Emerson"Men are like pumpkins. It seems like all the good ones are either taken or they’ve had everything scraped out of their heads with a spoon."
— Anonymous
I would like a pumpkin. Month end has been changed to the week after Halloween so I an actually carve a pumpkin this year!!! I put in dibs for the big haired curvy woman pattern.
Camille and I will be there, just need to find where I put your address 🙂