Author: DmentD
We Done Gone To The Chapel….
I’m a married man.
I’m blissfully wed to a woman that I have been head-over-heels in love with for the better part of two years, and whom I am thrilled beyond mortal words to be able to share my life with.
And because I’m a lazy bastard who doesn’t want to recreate the wheel, I’m sending you over to Sweets’ site to read the details and see the pictures. *grins* She’s done an excellent job of it, and by law I’m now entitled to half the credit for the post.
Video Amusement.
In leiu of anything of substance, I give you the accumulation of more valueless internet fluff. Entertaining fluff, at the least.
The Slap Chop/Rap Chop remix:
The JetLev water-propelled jetpack:
Stand By Me – Playing for Change: Peace Through Music
Trailers for The Hunt For Gollum (click-through for the trailers), an unauthorized 45-minute fan-film set in the Lord of the Rings universe. The story was inspired by an appendix to Lord of the Rings, in which Tolkien explains “what Aragorn and Gollum got up to before the trilogy began.” The whole thing is being produced for £3000.
All You Texan Voters…
Most people I know have already been told about this, however, there is a bill trying to be passed to allow baking businesses from home in Texas. Obviously Sweets and I are very eager for this to be passed.
Tonight this bill made it from the Public Health Committee to the Calendars Committee. There is a call out now to inundate and overwhelm the Chair and members of the Calendars committee (and for the record Representative Lois W. Kolkhorst is one of the committee members actively, vehemently trying to oppose this — she’s a ball breaker — do what you will with that bit of information), with phone calls requesting that HB 3282 be put on the calendar immediately for floor debate and vote. It must be out of committee by May 11 or it will die. There are 7,000 bills filed this session, we must be BIGGER and LOUDER than all the others to get pushed to the front of the pack.
Please, please, please call them, it all helps, we want this to be passed.
Bolt’s Dog Tag Cake.
Buffy Meets The WHoReS.
Mensa: I had a dream last night that we were at your old house for a party, but we knew there was going to be this invasion of monsters and demons, so we were all armed.
Mensa: I brought a few shotguns, but I couldn’t find them when it first started going down, so I had to take some out the old-fashioned way.
DmentD: Awesome dream!
Mensa: There was more, but that was the highlight for you there. 🙂
DmentD: I think… I think I need to post that.
Shameless Plugging Of Much Coolness.
I stumbled across Martin Whitmore‘s site quite by accident… but isn’t that how the internet works most of the time? Once there I was hooked, and determined to throw money at him (he does one hell of a pole-dance).
What does he do? He’s an illustrator who has recently abandoned his day job in order to pursue making a living from his jeebus given talents alone — and those talents are abundant. I can support that.
He’s in Austin, so that makes him a local artist, and moves him further up my list when I’m choosing things to buy to put on the wall or on me. I can support that.
He’s got a dark sense of humor, and isn’t afraid to laugh at himself. I can support that.
He’s got a zombie, and zombie-huntress pinup fetish. I will support that.
I’ve already picked up the Cephalopocalypse t-shirt (seen worn at Christmas), the Chaos & Order Fairies prints (soon to be coming to a wall near me) and the Cephalopocalypse sticker (soon to be appearing all over town… on the back of my truck).
Go. Buy his wares, commission original work from him, shower him with moolah. Not just because he’s trying to make good by supporting himself with his talents, but because his stuff is fucking cool. Do it now, or I will withhold crawfish from you unwashed heathens… I’ll do it, I swear to Bob!
Please, Make My Head Stop Hurting.
This week started with a crushing amount of stress. Familial… difficulties that I’m unfortunately not at liberty to expand on out of long-standing wishes, etched in stone and enforced with stern will. Suffice to say, my world was fifteen minutes from changing irrevocably, and even as I write this, the needle has swung from “less dire” to “dire again” a number of times. This see-saw is going to break me yet.
Upon receiving strong news, my brain goes into a survival mode. This is something that took me a long time to identify and learn how to harness to keep myself from going overboard (can you say “bye-bye childhood memories”?). I distract myself thoroughly and allow my subconscious (I call it my “hind brain”, like in a dinosaur tail) to sort out and absorb the information, figure out what best to do with this info, and keep me from losing my shit. I always said that if I had to name a singular talent, it is my capacity to take things apart — myself included — figure out how it works, and how to put it back together better. This is a side-specialty of that.
I’ve thrown myself into some home projects that I’ve been working on… measuring, cutting, sanding and painting are fantastic for occupying one’s thoughts thoroughly. I’ve gone practically obsessive, bordering on manic, and while that’s fine for things that only involve my immediate surrounding, it’s not so good when it involves others in the world. I suspect I may have done some damage to some possible new friendships by coming off all “Cable Guy”, and being a little more boisterous than normal (hey, I like making new friends… and these folks are cool as hell). I may be projecting that, though… but I worry about these things sometimes, and until I get to know folks better, I try not to tread on toes — and fail spectacularly on occasion. Apparently I still have some work to do on my survival mode tactics.
I have mostly kept everyone at arm’s length, because I was already feeling like I had a wet towel wrapped tightly around my head, and the last thing I needed was to feel like I was smothering any more. I love my friends dearly, and I do support and accept their support freely, but I needed — absolutely required — time to myself to digest what I knew first, without having to recount the tale repeatedly. I needed to be locked in my own head for a while, without being drawn out. Trust me… I’m not staying in there, and I know when to open the door again.
What a fucking week.
To Do.
In addition to the day-to-day work, gym, and retrieving Sweets from school, I have set myself to the task of a few extra activities this week (if possible in the time allotted):
- Install the newly finished drawer fronts in the kitchen. They are stained, sealed and have the flush-mount ring pulls installed, all they need is to be mounted. Carefully. As only an OC person can.
- Cut, sand, prime and paint the solid panels for the new lower kitchen cabinet doors. Measurements have been taken, material has been bought. Just gotta hope I have enough daylight after the gym tonight to chop it all down to size.
- Install the above solid panels into the cabinet doors. The doors are stained, sealed and ready to receive them.
- Install the above doors/panels onto the cabinets. Carefully. As only an OC person can. Gots the hinges, handles and everything ready to go.
- Clean, clean, clean the house. We keep it tidy, but dust builds, floors accumulate little bits of detritus, and courtesy of many trips in and out of the back yard for recreation and gardening, more and more bits and pieces get tracked in than ever.
- The carpets need a good steam-cleaning after a year of guests, guest-puppies, living and general use. It’s actually starting to get to me a bit. I KNOW that carpet has just been vacuumed, but the little stains call me a liar to my very face. Time to rent one and spend a few hours making good on my silent promises and pleas for forgiveness from the floor.
- Decorate a cake. Making one for my niece-in-spirit that lives in Houston. Sweets is baking and prepping icing and modeling chocolate, and it is being transported by Pandora (as Sweets and I are going to see Avenue Q on Saturday — yay for puppet sex!). This was by special request, and who am I to refuse a little girl that calls me “Uncle Stuff”?
*crosses fingers*
Hope I can get all this done. Would be nice since I basically took the weekend off to relax a bit, and help Sweets where possible with her scholarship project (mainly as a dishwasher… but behind every good Chef, is an efficient dishwasher *grins*).