
Learn from the past, look to the future, enjoy the present.

That’s what I’m trying to do, trying to teach myself… there are worse ways to go about living your life, and a little self-improvement isn’t a bad thing.

Another thing that I’ve known, but never really understood until recently is that happiness isn’t necessarily something handed to you on a silver platter, it’s something you have to work for.  Which makes it that much sweeter when you can have it and can maintain it.  The status quo isn’t specifically unhappiness, but it takes no effort to be miserable.  That’s like the cheap plastic keyring you win at the carnival just for playing the game.  You really have to knuckle down and work hard to win that stuffed 6′ tall pink teddy bear on the back wall — the pinnacle of the carny prize pool.  As my favorite philosopher says:

“Easy to bitch, easy to whine, easy to moan, easy to cry, easy to feel like there ain’t nothing in your life.  Harder to work, harder to strive, harder to be glad to be alive… but its really worth it if you give it a try.”

– Fred LeBlanc

I’m trying, dear Fred, I’m trying.  I’ve been working my ass off to be happy and I think its been paying off.  Not huge sums, but at least tiny dividends and that’s a good start.  I’m not completely miserable all the time, I’m actually maintaining a pretty good demeanor with brief periods of backsliding (AngerMan bubbles to the surface and I try to keep him in check).

Also, it appears that these two guys were separated at birth:

One thought on “Philosofossil.”

  1. Well holy hell.  I just got out-sloganed.

    And all four points are good, solid, round-house kicks to the head.  Trite and cliché, but fine advice none the less.  Every so often it’s nice to have someone verbally grab you by the collar and shake your head until your brain rattles around like a damp maraca.

    Jeebus, love ’em all, my friends and family have been supportive, soothing and stroking, and talking in hushed tones all this time.  Here you come with a sharp slap to the back of the head and a bullhorn.

    I hope you’ll pardon me if I’m just not seeing or remembering… but who the fuck are you?

    And yeah, life does move on… with or without me.  I’m choosing to move with it.

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