I say old chap, that was terribly fucking rude.

What has become of the world these days? Everyone has become politically correct. Overly sensitive to others feelings. Tippie-toeing around so as to not anger anyone. Eliminating perfectly good words and phrases from their vocabularies for the sake of politeness.

Why? Why bother? I mean, it’s all a sham. It’s a false front as a means to an end. It’s the most damnable form of dishonesty to lie to someone to their face, and that is exactly what you’re doing when you put on the sickly sweet "nice guy" persona. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be polite to people in general – I advocate that, but you shouldn’t suppress your inherent personality because Bob’s wife Freda doesn’t like people "who joke around a lot."

Being politically correct means using appropriate words and phrases which are engineered so as not to offend the subject of discussion, or possibly the other members in the discussion. For example, terms like African American piss me off. Are you African or American? You can’t be both, so pick one and cruise off to the appropriate locale. If you’re a voting, tax-paying, freedom loving denizen of this cohesive bundle of "States" primarily located within this northern continent… you’re a fucking American, and I don’t really give a heap of shit what color your skin is or where you originally came from. If you moved to this country and successfully navigated the Naturalization process, you’re an American. Period. If your ancestors came across on a boat – by hook, crook or free will, and your family has been here for generations, you’re an American. Period. Don’t like it? Hit the road, Jack. Anything else is just a diluted form of racism with a happy, shiny face put on it. I don’t truck with racism – on either side of the fence. I believe that everyone should have the chance to hate others for valid, genuine reasons. Racism is a cop-out.

We should also stop coddling the "sensitive" people in this world. Sometimes, folks just need to be told the ugly truths about themselves and the world around them. Knowing the truth allows us to change things as we see fit, if we see fit. If you’re too scared to tell your buddy that he has atrocious body odor and that he would do well to have a bath more frequently and some industrial strength deodorant might be a nice idea, he’ll never know. Then, he’ll go through life known as "that stank guy", or "Gorilla Pit", and that would be cruel. Especially since you came up with those names for him yourself.

Suppressing your emotions so you don’t upset others is another lie a lot of people live. What about yourself? If you’re all pissed off, you should at least be able to express it, shouldn’t you? I don’t mean throwing Buicks around like the Hulk or anything, but at least let it be known that you’re not a happy camper. If you’re ecstatic about something, let it out! You shouldn’t have worry if those with less or nothing to celebrate are going to feel like a smaller person because of it… hell most of those folks will cheer you along just to see someone happy, if not themselves.

If you try to go through this life trying not to make anyone angry, you’re doomed to fail. The object is to piss off as few people as you can, but deal with the ones you do in a straightforward fashion when you do. You don’t have to go out of your way to rile anyone up – well, not all the time – but it’s going to happen anyway. Folks are also going to make you very, very angry too at some time or another. Own it. Deal with it. Move on if you can, but be honest with yourself about it when it comes down.

Here are a few details about myself some of might or might not know. I’m pretty straightforward and easy to read. If I’m happy, you know it. If I’m depressed, you know it. If I’m angry, you r-e-a-l-l-y know it.

I’m a mellow guy who is always quick to help in times of need. I’m a smartass, with a sharp tongue. I love words. I am in love with the English language, every last syllable of it. I am especially enamored with the naughty, sinful words you’re not supposed to use in mixed company or in front of priests, children and other small mammals. I really groove on the combination of complex structures that evoke strong emotional responses… any emotion.

Here is where I have the most trouble with the so-called "polite society" we live in. We have such a rich vocabulary at our disposal, and yet we’re being told that there are certain words we shouldn’t say in the presence of some people, or at all. There are special words we must say in special circumstances. This isn’t a freedom of speech issue. It is not so much a matter of censoring words as it is censuring thought.

Why shouldn’t we use the oft condemned words of cursing? They are as much a part of our language as any other colloquialism deemed acceptable in everyday speech. What? Someone might get offended? Only if they let it offend them – it’s all in their minds. I know lots of people who are put off by the C word. They can’t even bring themselves to say it. Here, I’ll say it for them. Cunt. Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. It’s a lovely word. You know where you stand when someone says "cunt". It’s gritty and has a handful of connotations all of which allow you to clearly express yourself.

What I don’t get is these same people who shun the C word will gladly, even giddily use other naughty words like "fuck" and "dick". Let me demonstrate something:

"I rubbed my dick on her cunt, then I fucked her."

What makes the middle of that sentence any worse than the beginning or the end? Granted, the whole thing licks… er, lacks finesse, but it gets it’s point across in an execution style, elementary school dropout sort of way. Isn’t that what language is all about? Communication? Exchanging ideas?

Why limit yourself or others to a cattle-call of acceptable words and phrases, or worse yet, ban select ones that universally evoke a strong emotional response with their simplicity and straightforwardness. I can respect the man who can successfully convey a thought with a contrived, conservative and simple statement as easily as a spontaneous, convoluted and polluted one. I know folks who wield curses as precisely as DaVinci could wield a brush. It’s a beautiful thing.

It all boils down to this:

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Words can destroy countries and tear down mountains. They can kill, maim and rend. They can also heal, bring together and mend. They make the weak strong, and lovers fall in. They are magical things, but are only as strong as the thoughts behind them. That’s the crux. It’s not the words that do the damage, so why twist, emasculate, or mute them?

Our collective skins are not so thin that we can’t deal with a little straight-shooting. If they are, then we need to build calluses on our souls to protect us a little better. Let’s drop this entire political correctness pretense and get down to the business of communicating.


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