Ginger Beer – Wired Magazine

  • ½ C fresh ginger (finely grated)
  • 1 C sugar
  • 4 TBS lemon juice
  • 4 TBS lime juice
  • ¼ TSP baker’s yeast
  • 3 TBS dried hibiscus
  • 1 TBS dried rose flower (available at and some specialty groceries)
  1. Combine the ginger, sugar, lemon juice and lime juice with 6 C water and bring to a gentle boil.
  2. Mix the yeast with ¾ C warm water and set aside.
  3. After 30 minutes, remove the ginger solution form the heat. Add the hibiscus and rose flower, stir and let sit for 10 minutes.
  4. Add 10 C cold water and strain into a second container.
  5. Stir in the yeast solution.
  6. Funnel liquid into two 2 liter bottles (or the equivalent) to an inch below the cap, adding water if necessary. Seal the bottles and store at room temperature for 24 hours.
  7. Refrigerate to slow/stop the yeast and serve cold.