From the instant I first saw you there was a connection.
Little did I know when we met that day,
I had met the person I would want to share the rest of my life with.
So, far it has been a wonderful life indeed.
I am so fortunate to have you as my husband, my lover, and my friend.
I don’t need some special day dictated by a card company
To tell you how much I love you.
I hope I show you how much each and every day.
In June we will have been together for 15 years,
And I didn’t think it possible,
But I love you even more today.
There have been high and low points,
But never has there been a dull moment.
One thing for certain our love has remained constant.
I told you that I didn’t want anything for Valentine’s Day,
And that was a lie.
I want you.
I know that’s a fairly expensive and valuable gift,
But I think I can afford it if you let me take out a 100-year loan.
Don’t worry we’ll work out the details concerning interest later. 😉
In the meantime you’ll just have to hang around until the note is paid.
With all my love,