Sometimes my befuddled brain can attain a moment of clarity, as in this quick snippet of an IM conversation with Fiddy/Fiddy (a rather one-sided one since he wasn’t typing anything at the moment).
Me: The lights are on, but nobody is home.
Me: Then again, we’ve known this about you for a VERY long time.
Me: Now that I think about it, I’m pretty much an "empty house" myself.
Me: Except for those bats in my belfry.
Me: They keep me company in the wee hours of the night.
Me: Squeaking Justin Timberlake love-songs to me.
Me: And crapping on my insulation.
Me: Sorry, "dropping guano" on my insulation.
Me: Damn bats… so sensitive. They love to remind me that their poop is a valuable source of fuel in some countries.
Me: Really, I guess that’s the true test of how advanced your civilization is: what you use as fuel.
Me: I guess it’s a sliding scale from burned flying-rat crap to atomic energy.
Nobody can amuse me like I do, and I am so easilly amused at times.
Don’t you just love it when you come back to your desk and realize that your friends have been having IM sessions with your computer? And when they’re so entertaining, you can’t help but hope for more, as you wander back to your desk. It’s also difficult to interrupt when you see the stream of brain droppings (or guano, depending on your mood) that is spewing forth, causing your coworkers to (for the eighth time that day) ask you what the fuck you’re laughing at, all by yourself in your office.
Thanks, Stuff. You made my day. Well, actually the whole firing thing made my day. You certainly enhanced it quite a bit.
You’re lucky you got anything at all. I don’t think Buddy Holly’s much of a talker.
That’s ’cause I didn’t have no [gin] or nuthin’.