Hay dare Stuff, a pic of the new/old 7800 is here.
Site’s changed quite a lot since I last visited (sometime early 2003 I think?). There be some blog-type action goin’ on or something similar at least.
I am no longer in the frozen state of Minnesota, so perhaps if I can pry some contact info out of you, I’ll zip over for a visit. Would be nice to see a friendly face I haven’t seen since the last G-O-R was held at your house..
Yeah I thought it was bad when Beavis and Butthead were announced as a Time Life collection.
Hay dare Stuff, a pic of the new/old 7800 is here.
Site’s changed quite a lot since I last visited (sometime early 2003 I think?). There be some blog-type action goin’ on or something similar at least.
I am no longer in the frozen state of Minnesota, so perhaps if I can pry some contact info out of you, I’ll zip over for a visit. Would be nice to see a friendly face I haven’t seen since the last G-O-R was held at your house..
Yeah I thought it was bad when Beavis and Butthead were announced as a Time Life collection.