This Saturday, March 19th, there will be not one, but two — count ’em, TWO — parties at the wHoReS. Ok, it’ll be two parties back-to-back to make one stupendously big party, but two parties none the less. And to top that, it’s a double birthday celebration, too!
We are celebrating (in an official manner) Mensa’s birthday, which was actually on Wednesday. There will be the obligatory fun and mayhem involved, but it was originally scheduled for the evening. Ghoti wanted to have a crawfish bug-boil on Saturday as well to help ring in Camille’s birthday (which is actually on Saturday), but that would have started earlier in the day.
So Ghoti (or some female genius who will be marrying him, but shall remain unnamed to keep her adoring fans away from her) came up with the idea to join the two and have the whole big shin-dig at the wHoReS. So, there will be a span of daylight hours eating hard-shelled critters and chilling followed by an evening of hard drinking and shenanigans.
The festivities start at 12:00 noon. Come dressed for warm/cold/dry/wet weather. We do request that folks bring a little something to contribute to the shindig… soft drinks (Coke, Diet Coke and Barqs Root Beer), snacks or anything you deem appropriate.
We’ll see you miscreants there.