Well, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words… so here are my thousand:

This picture was taken before the water did it’s cute trick of rising 3′ higher. I can see the neighbor’s carport roof, which is next to my bedroom, and it looks like it is a few inches under the water itself which means that the water level in the picture is about halfway up the walls in the house… and then rose another 3′. Kindly notice the avid boater traveling on the street behind mine.
Also, I think that fucking pine tree took a dirt-nap on my garage. Bitch.
This god damned city is like Rasputin. It’s been stabbed, poisoned, shot, bound and thrown around but it finally took a drowning to kill it.
I am so sorry and I know exactly how you feel.
You know how much stuff I have and how much I love(d) it. I am at a loss as to what to say or do. We will rise again. With better stuff, more water proof stuff.
Good thing I watch movies from the roof. How about WaterWorld next?