I would like to formally welcome back the two weary immigrants from the crisp, clean land of the Western shores to the moist, gritty bowl of this Southern port-of-call. GonzO and Shortbus — you were sorely missed and we, your Southern Family, are overjoyed at your return.
As sad as we were to see you leave a little over five years ago, it was understood that it was something you wanted to do … had to do. It was a journey that none of us could anticipate where you would eventually be led. The possibilities were endless and we wished you well upon your departure. If your feet led you back, we would rejoice, if they led you further along, we would wish you safe journey and good speed. All paths are the right one as long as you keep growing… continuing to discover yourself and be happy.
Jebus, it’s good to have you guys back. It’s surreal, and as Krazy says "I refuse to believe you’re here to stay until after Mardi Gras and you haven’t hopped on a plane and left." Here’s hoping that you stick around for a while.
Speaking for Lady and myself, we really love you guys and I hope you realize that you are going to want for nothing. Like the rest of this rag-tag bunch of miscreants, we take care of our own. I’m sure the sentiment is mutual throughout the rest of the Community.
Welcome home GonzO and Heather, and may DeJockamo ever smile upon your lives and keep you safe. Well… keep you drunk without illness at any rate.
Stuff was speaking for himself, me I’s hate them crazy bitches.
everyt mie he says that word, rag tag, i get the battlestar gallactica theme stuck in me widdle head, and i can’t help but wonder: if we are the fleet, which fucking ship am i?
You sir, are the Battlestar Acropolis. You were destroyed by Cylon forces at the Battle of Cimtar in the pilot episode.
Geeky enough for ya’?