- 220 GR (~2½ C) medium roast coffee (coarse ground) (~ 8 OZ whole bean)
- Water
- 1 GAL pitcher with cover
- Fine mesh “nut milk” bag
- Fine-mesh reusable drip coffee filter
- Paper coffee filters (optional)
- Put the grounds into the bag, tie the top securely.
- Place the bag into the pitcher and fill with water to 1 GAL.
- Allow to steep in the fridge for 24 hours, or at room temperature for 16-18 hours, giving the pitcher a shake every ~8 hours.
- Remove the bag and allow to drain.
- Allow the sediment time to settle then strain through a fine-mesh reusable drip coffee filter – if less sediment is desired you can use an actual paper filter as well but this will take much longer.
- Dilute to desired strength (1:1) and server hot or over ice. Store in the fridge.