9 thoughts on “Funny is as funny does.”

  1. I can verify the hilarity of said website.

    I give it the coveted (and seldom given)Raul Stamp of Approval.

  2. the sex must be out of this world, since that is the only thing i would have stayed with julie for.

  3. Ye Gods. Either, like Krazy says, the sex is dynamite, or they are both fans of S&M. Can’t figure out which yet.

    Wonder if she knows the site exists…

  4. Ye Gods. Either, like Krazy says, the sex is dynamite, or they are both fans of S&M.

    Didn’t you once say to your wife in your blog that "without friction there would be no fire" or some such?

  5. I’m sure I also said the sex was dynamite at one point in time or another. 😉

  6. I’m sure I also said the sex was dynamite at one point in time or another. 😉

    Hmm… I’m afraid I’m guilty of an enormous logical blunder for not having considered that. A fully armed squadron of Mensa’s top-secret robotic infantry is no doubt already en route to my location — perhaps using my own IP-to-location script against its maker — to both cancel my membership and render sweet justice upon my home in a whirlwind of castigatory destruction not likely to be unleashed again.

    My membership revocations having only just begun, I will surely receive information about my newfound non-eligibility for my favorite organization, whose rejection of me was most piercing of all. Yes, that’s right. I’ll be denied three times by the Judas-like Association of People That Tangle Wisdom Among Their Speech.

    By failing to recognize that your "dynamite" sex was the obvious rebuttal to my statement (and consequently being defenseless against it) I have forgotten everything I have learned from APT TWATS . You, however, wit your apparently unerring wit and Olympian love-making skills, are afforded all the tempting perks and delicate high points of APT TWATS.

    Thus, I will surrender my worldly possessions and make a pilgrimage to Tibet, where, in addition to shaving my head and criticizing The Golden Child, I will become a monk and meditate upon the wisdom that you, GonzO, have been so kind as to bestow upon me. After a full sixteen years, I will return, having reached total Enlightenment, and I hope against hope, that on that glorious and triumphant day of homecoming, APT TWATS will be there to welcome me back.

  7. i say we just start calling raul the great- MENSA. it works for me, and it’ll piss off those crybabies that won’t let him in.

  8. Well, I’m pretty sure we made that official last night. …from what I can recall. Heh. Can I get a little help here? Did I just dream all that?

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