Stupidity, thy name is Kaiju Big Battel. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good dose of stupidity and this is exactly the kind of Supreme Idiocy I can get behind.
Check out the VIDEO section for a peek at what I’m talking about. The best way to describe Kaiju Big Battel is like this: it’s the illegitimate love child of GWAR, WWF, backyard wrestling and Sunday-morning monster movies (ala Godzilla and UltraMan).
This train wreck is the brainchild of a coupla’ twisted art students from Boston back in 1994. It has evolved into a slightly migrational show that has performed on both coasts, with a core of eight folks that expands to thirty come show time. You can tell that these guys are having a hell of a lot of fun putting on this show.
I say we pepper these folks with email until they crumble under the pressure of our whining and come down here and stage an event. I’d be there in a heartbeat.
This warms the cockles of my Halloween-loving heart… even the sub-cockle area.