Hatred and bias.
I’ve touched briefly on this topic in the past, and really I have volumes to say about it. This is my blog after all, so there is a soapbox with my footprints worn neatly into it that I use for just this occasion.
There are many good reasons in this world to strongly dislike someone — too many to not have one. In fact, if you can’t be bothered to come up with something tangible, then you should really get out of the game. You can’t hate someone without at least spending a modicum of time figuring out why. If you’re going purely on appearances, let’s say the color or length of someone’s hair, then you are an imbecile — the lowest form of human being there is.
No, let me correct that. You are an ape. A gorilla. You lack coherent thought and act purely on instinct. You might just as well be scratching your crotch in a tree, wondering with your tiny brain where the next banana will be coming from, and when that other furry blob over there will come and preen you, picking the ticks off of your smelly hide. I’d go so far as to say you were born without a brain stem, but ultimately you need a connection to the central nervous system to be able to masturbate in your cage as the nice zoo patrons walk past.
Really, to take offense at someone for purely superficial reasons is the basis of all the nasty little "isms" that have developed over time. Racism, sexism, classism… Hmm. Classism, that’s a good one to use as an example.
Let’s say that you are an office worker, one of the folks who push buttons and generates a fair amount of brain-sweat developing and streamlining new procedures and technologies to make the company you work for a more efficient and profitable machine. You harbor distaste for physical laborers, you know… the typical plant worker. Guys who operate basic tools and perform repetitive tasks. They are in your eyes all sophomoric, Cro-Magnon, high school dropouts, incapable of doing anything else. They occupy a low station in life and are alcoholic wife-beaters to the very last man.
Let’s also say that you formulated this opinion without having spent more than a cumulative thirty seconds talking to any of them. You’d have missed out on the fact that what they do for the most part is a skilled trade. In some cases, it’s very complex and dangerous work that you yourself could not perform if thrown out into the plant and handed the tools. Many of them are extremely intelligent folks, who for their own reasons choose to do what they do. Some of them are indeed low-intellect closed-minded buffoons and fall into the gorilla category specified above.
Now, reverse this scenario. You are a plant worker, one of the guys in the trenches. You bust your ass all day long, freezing in the winter and sweating in the summer doing a thankless backbreaking job. You produce the merchandise that your company markets for profit, paying the bills and your paycheck. You can’t stand those snobby bastards in the office who get to sit around all day in the air-conditioning, playing games and fucking around with the way things have been run for the last thirty years. They’re good for nothing if they can’t produce a tangible product. They’re on easy street and you hate it. You’ll take any chance you can get to reduce them to your level.
Have you considered that all that these folks are average guys like you? They may have devoted a fair amount of their lives to working behind a clipboard or keyboard, but their job while not as physical, is no less valid than yours. They are working to make the road ahead smoother. They take an outdated system and make it more accurate and responsive — eventually reducing the time necessary to get results. These office folk are also the ones that ensure that you get prompt medical attention, the parts and equipment to do your job, an accurate paycheck, representation with the brass, and fair wages. They aren’t out to make your life miserable as long as you work with the system, not against it. They are no better or worse than you are.
The net result of all of the above bullshit is this: have a halfway genuine beef with someone before you start shooting off your mouth, otherwise you’re just a misguided simian who is one tree-branch away from being used for scientific anal-stretching experiments. You are as shallow and superficial as your opinion, which has as much weight and bearing as a fart in a hurricane. Your mental incapacity is worn on your sleeve for all to see. A bias without foundation is as good as belief in nothing at all.
"They’re nihilists, Donny, nothing to be afraid of."
"Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?"
"They won’t hurt us, Donny. These men are cowards."
And for the sake of all that is good and holy, if you must… if you absolutely feel the necessity to insult someone, at least do so in a creative way. C’mon people, we have a rich and wonderful language at our disposal, put a little thought into it. Get clever. Prove to the world that you’re no ape.